Sunday, 11 December 2016

Media Magazine: Globalisation case study

1) Why was Google Glass controversial?
Google was controversial due to the privacy issues as a product, regarding Google glass. The main concern was that of google being able to capture the footage of what users are viewing. As well as recording being able to record people without their consent or permission. Therefore, Google Glass was seen as controversial as they had the feature that resulted in invading peoples privacy.

2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights?
Even though there was a great of controversy regarding Google Glass, there were still some positive outcomes. For example, Google gave the ability to allow people to access the internet as well as connecting people together. This was a positive element as it allowed audiences to become more aware of the Internet, whilst connecting with new people. 

3) What are potential negatives to Globalisation?
A main negative factor in terms of Globalisation is that smaller companies would be effected negatively due to not being able to compete.  

4) What is a techno-panic? How does it link to moral panics?
Techno-panic is a moral panic that is based upon contemporary technology or technological activity.  This is linked to Cohen's theory of moral panics as techno-panic, it is a moral panic in society, however, it regards technology instead of people in society. 

5) What is your opinion on the privacy debate and major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data?
In my opinion, I think it's wrong and quite worrying that major corporations are able to access large quantities of personal data. Mainly due to the fact that most of the time people are completely unaware of what data is actually being accessed. Major corporations  have the opportunity of being able to access any information they want, and  being able to sell it for profit. I think it is wrong if people are unaware of what is going on.

Media Factsheet: Globalisation and capitalism

1) Who coined the phrase 'a global village' and what multinational companies illustrate this?
The phrase "global village" was coined by McLuhan to describe countries becoming interconnected or more interdependent. One multinational company that illustrates this is 'Coco-Cola'.

2) What role does Slavoj Zizek suggest the media plays in global capitalism? How can you link this to our previous work on Marxism and Hegemony? 
Slavoj Zizek suggests that the media naturalises and reinforces the ideology that making money is the right way of making businesses. However, he also states that at the same time, it allows people to feel less guilty about the goods that are produced. 

3) What does 'capitalism with a conscience' mean? 
'Capitalism with a conscience' is a phrase that means institutions create a campaign in order for western institutions maintaining a capital dominance. 

4) What is the (PRODUCT) RED campaign?

The RED campaign was founded by Bono in 2006, 
RED is a private company, the campaign was set up raise awareness regarding AIDS in Africa. 

5) Based on what you've read in the Factsheet, what is YOUR opinion of the (PRODUCT) RED brand? Is it a positive force helping to fight AIDS in Africa or a cynical attempt to make multinational companies look more ethical than they actually are?
I believe that campaigns such as RED are helping in a positive manner, but at the same time they are still attempting to make multinational companies to look more ethical than they actually are. However, I believe their main intentions are to help fight diseases/viruses and such, like AIDS.

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