The basics
Your chosen industry: Television
Your chosen case study (i.e. text/institution etc.): Netflix
Have you received approval for this case study from your teacher? Yes
1) How has new and digital media changed the audience experience in your chosen industry?
Through Netflix, audiences are now able to access whichever shows, whenever they want. Either through laptops, phones, or tablets.
2) Has new and digital media changed the way the audience consume your chosen product?
Audience's are more likely/frequently able to watch shows and movies, without having to wait.
3) Has the size of the audience changed as a result of new and digital media?
The size of the audience as increased due to new and digital media.
4) What are the positive changes new and digital media have brought to the audience of your case study? (E.g. greater choice, easier access etc.)
The positive changes due to new and digital media, have allowed audiences to have more of a variety of what they want to watch. As well as this, they have a much easier access in being able to watch movies and shows. Netflix use
personalisation to
control the media that
users can consume
through the choice of
what they offer. It also has a free profile system, where users can create up to five profiles on one subscription. Personalisation is a key element to the
success of Netflix, as they need to keep existing users happy as well
as attract new users.
5) What are the negative changes new and digital media have had on your chosen audience? (E.g. quality of product etc.)
Some of the negative changes new and digital media have had on my chosen audience is that due to Netflix being such a well known institution, many people are aware of what it is. This therefore could create a seclusion in families, as people are given the opportunity to watch things separately instead of together, or as a family. Moreover, another negative factor of Netflix may be that audiences have to pay a monthly fee in order to keep their account. Netflix do not have the constraint
of multi-platforms, so have the freedom to exploit the immediacy of
e-media: for perhaps the first time, Netflix was offering audiences the
kind of viewing pleasures that they would only normally get from
purchasing the DVD box set, and then watching it in its entirety.
6) What about audience pleasures - have these changed as a result of new and digital media?
Some audience pleasures are that they are able to stream the app of Netflix whenever, on whatever they want. Not only this, but the quality is always in HD and you also have the opportunity of downloading the specific text you would like to watch.
7) What is the target audience for your chosen case study? Write a demographic/psychographic profile.
As Netflix is such a well-known institution, the target audience would vary quite a lot. Also, there's so many different genres and programmes that are suitable for everyone.
Male: 50%
Female: 50%
Age: 16-35
1) How has new and digital media had an impact on ownership or control in your chosen industry?
Television is by far the most-used platform for news, with 67% of UK adults saying they use TV as a source of news. However, there has been an eight percentage point decrease since 2014 (75%), following a three percentage point decrease between 2013 (78%) and 20143 .
2) What impact has new and digital media had on ownership in your chosen case study?
3) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions produce texts?
4) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions distribute their product?
5) How might new and digital media threaten your chosen industry?
New and digital media might threaten my chosen industry due to other industries being on demand therefore being in competition with Netflix.
6) How has new and digital media changed the way your chosen industry is regulated?
1) What examples of user-generated content can you find in your case study?
2) How has UGC changed things for audiences or institutions in your chosen case study?
Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony
1) What would be a Marxist perspective of the impact of new and digital media on your chosen case study?
2) How would a pluralist view the impact of new and digital media in your chosen industry?
3) Are there any examples of hegemony in your chosen industry or case study?
1) How has globalisation impacted on your chosen industry or case study?
2) In your opinion, has globalisation had a positive or negative impact on your chosen industry and case study? Why?
3) Can you find examples of cultural imperialism in your case study or industry? (The 'Americanisation' of the world)
Social media
1) How has your industry or case study used social media to promote its products?
Netflix has used social media platforms such as, Instagram and Twitter to promote it's products by publishing it's texts that are available
Netflix has used social media to promote its products by making accounts on the particular platforms. For example, people are allowed to tweet, on twitter about certain shows trending, even celebrities are doing so. As well as this, the Netflix account either Tweet or upload pictures on Instagram to keep shows trending.
2) Provide\chosen industry?
3) What has the impact been for audiences? These may be positive and negative.
This has been positive for audiences, as they are able to keep up to date with what shows or films that have been released. Or even to see what shows are making a comeback to Netflix.
1) What media theories can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media theories and explain how they are relevant to your case study. Note: these can be ANY of the theories we have learned over the whole of Year 12 and 13.
1) What media issues and debates can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media issues/debates and explain how they are relevant to your case study.
Wider examples and secondary texts
1) What other texts or institutions are also relevant to your case study? What would be good secondary texts or examples to use to support the findings of your independent case study?